Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So today was a full day. I got up at 7:00am and had breakfast. Then I went to Missionaries for Charity, Sisters of Mother Theresa. It is a hospice for HIV patients. They range from infants to the elderly. Some of the kids though have Tuberculosis or are malnourished. It was not easy on the eyes. It was tough at first. I didnt hold back though. The kids dont really get a whole lot of one-on-one time at all so they were practically killing each other for our attention. It was so tough to see that. I cant really explain what I felt. Basically what we did for 2 hours was love on them, cuddle with them and play with them. It was alot of fun and eye opening. On the way back to the ship I saw a boy about my younger sisters age that had down syndrome but not that bad. Just a minor case but you could still see it was there. Anyway, he was out in the pouring rain trying to clean car windows with the biggest smile on his face you've ever seen. And I knew is was 100% genuine. He was just smiling about life, about being alive and I dont know what else he was smiling about. It was hard to see him trudge through the rain trying to make a living. That really opened my eyes. I just wanted to get out of the car to tell him that God loves him and so do I. Well, enough of that...haha. The rest of the day was filled with cleaning, movies (Big Fish - really disappointing, didnt like it at all) and going out to dinner. Me and two other people went to Sajj Restaurant, its about 30 minutes from the ship. We took two bike taxis. We had dinner and dessert and got back about 30 minutes ago. It was a blast. Well that was my day. Ill update again tomorrow because I will be going to the HIV Clinic and registering Africans for treatment or testing. Fun day tomorrow. Well, adios!


Fran Cummings said...

Hi Wes...Wow your eyes are seeing how real life, is lived in the third world counries! Another neat experience to see how others have to live! Your blog story today was very touching! Yes, they are loved by God also.Praying for you everyday! Love your stories!grama Fran

John W said...

Hey Wes ... another insightful update filled with inspiring word-pictures of your experiences. Great job and keep it up! You must feel overwhelmed at times because there's so much sensory overload and trying to convey it all in detail to the blog can seem impossible task. It sounds like God is definitely blessing in many directions. Thank YOU for blessing us with these updates! And it gives us the information we need to continue to pray specifically. Keep it up!
John Williamson

Dick Cummings said...

Wes, As I continue to read about your experiences and feelings that you have had, the effect of the universal language of love keeps coming through. May God continue to provide opportunities for your heart to be touched.
Praying for you, Papa

Jamilyn said...

CAMPBELL GOT HIS LICENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!