Friday, July 11, 2008

Time to Catch Up

Hey everyone. Not much has been happening so I didnt really have a whole lot to report about. But now I do. Work is grueling, somedays the bathrooms are still nice and clean and others...ugh lets not go there. Today I felt like I was going to see my breakfast and lunch. It wasnt fun. Ive met so many people here. Its incredible how genuine and sincere everyone is here. I met someone with the same birthday that came in the day before me so we've kind of clicked. Its super easy to make friends cause everyone is in the same boat (literally). Last night we had a church service and it was so cool to listen to God's people from all over the world be united in worship. This morning my alarm actually woke me up. Thats a good sign because I think Ive finally adjusted to the time change.
Today was a interesting day. I worked and slept on and off all day. There was not much to do until just before dinner when Charles (Liberian co-worker) and I had to clean the mens/womens showers on deck 2. That was not fun. It was really dirty and disgusting. Charles threw up two or three times. After that I took a nap and then went to dinner. Let me tell you the food can be really good or terrible. They serve left over dinner the next day for lunch. Bleh. Anyway, tonight was really good because we had pizza. It was decent, but still it was pizza. After dinner I sat down in the Starbucks lounge and read Do Hard Things. Let me tell you, this book is rocking my world right. Its causing me to look into my life and see if Im truly living how God wants me too. In the little things in my life I get an F but in the big things I get a C...not doing to good. It definitly challenging me to live differently.
On Sunday we have someone leaving us (although, people are continually coming and going everyday) so we went out to dessert at 7:30. The place was so nice. We all just sat around and talked. Got to know some people alot better and get to know people I hardly knew. I cant get over how everyone is accepting and open to meeting new people and getting to know them. We left Krystal Point Hotel (name of the place) at 10:50 and just got back. It was so much fun. I dont have a whole lot going on tomorrow other than maybe joining Prison Fellowship, but I dont know if thats going to work out. Well thats it. TTFN, ta-ta-for-now!


Dick Cummings said...

Wes, it seems from your comments that your job is providing a way to stay humble. Keep on keeping on with your work and also in meeting and sharing with other Christian brothers and sisters. Love, Papa

Fran Cummings said...

Hey there,Wes...I sure enjoyed this one, and had a few good laughs on the cleaning bathroom duties you and your partner had to do recently!! :-)smile Those odors inbathrooms canbe "creepy" smells, for sure. Get some face masks, over your faces! :-)But keep in mind, GOD did not always promise us a rose garden, when we are serving HIM. Glad you had some enjoyment time with friends and be off the boat or a short while. I'm still keeping you in prayer daily. God has you just where HE wants you to be!! and HE loves you.
Looking forward to your next story!
Love ya....XOXOX...grama Fran

Cheri said...

Thanks for the update Wes. Sounds like you've already got a whole new appreciation for the clean bathrooms you have at home. Just think of all the times your mother had to take care of many unpleasant messes. Enough mother talk -- so glad that you are making so many friends. Not that I would've ever doubted!

Have fun with your new friends. Love ya -- Mrs. Sains

ayates said...

Love hearing the stories!!! Glad to know all things are going well. Keep up the good work in the bathrooms!!! I am sure your mom is sooooo proud!!!

We are praying for you! Lots of love, Mrs. Yates

Anonymous said...

Sneaking on the computer again...
seriously I am soooo jel of you cause it sounds like you are having so much fun in super cool place and I'm just washing some dishes over, and over and over again. But thats ok. Last night I got to share my testimony in front of all of the campers for club. It was sooo cool.

"In the same boat" hahaha, thats really funny. Do Hard Things is totally rocking my world too. And making me mad. I want to so shout to the world that they are all a bunch of idots. >_< But, hey at least we are doing some hard things right? Maybe someday I shall take over the world. That sounds pretty hard...hmmm. But yea, Do Hard Things is super amazingly ligt. I got a letter from Lauren yesterday and it sounds like God is really rocking her world. She said something about being called to young life. yay Lauren!!! Well, got to run.
peace, love, and more dirty dished

Jamilyn said...

wow wes...alot is going on there while here, its just tv, video games, and my dance recital. I cant tell you how much more I look up as you are growing in your faith. Just by reading these updates, you have taught me alot. Not alot more to say just that i'm very proud you are my big bro...and that we miss you!

Your loving sister

Fran Cummings said...

Hey there "Mr Popularity". You should win the prize for getting to know quite a few new people so far.I read Margaret's Blog an Sabrina, 'n Hobbes, 'n Josh...they all are interesting sisters and btothers in Christ.WOW! We're waiting for pictures, have to view another update soon, right? Maybe your friends can help you get your pictures in your blog.
Love you lots..XOXO (are there enuff x's 'n O's? Bless you..Grama Fran

Meredith said...

I can't believe you're half a world away! I remember when you were born!! :) hehe So cool Wes to hear about everything you're doing and experiencing. We're lifting you up in prayer and praising God for His work in your life. Looking forward to more updates!

Love your Cuz,
Meredith ;-)

Kate said...

Josh Hamilton, what a story huh? Just goes to show you God can use anyone to bring himself glory! Glad to hear that you are able to catch some baseball while you're gone! And I am glad to hear you are having such a great time! Keep living life to the full.